The Clean & Jerk
In our previous post we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using Olympic weightlifting movements for developing strength in judo athletes.
Many judo athletes are using these exercises as part of their S&C sessions but without taking care about good technique. In my opinion is really important to learn a proper technique if we want to avoid injuries and enhance performance.

As a coach, I like to improve the technical aspects about these movements, so I usually plan some weightlifting technical sessions during some parts of the season.
As you can see in Fig.1., two technical sessions to improve the olympic lifts were included in this microcycle during a physical training camp held in Beijing with Chinese Judo National Team.

In this video, coach Li will show you how to clean and jerk. He was weightlifter and assisted Chinese Judo National Team on technical sessions to improve the olympic lifts.
Check out our post about weightlifting for sports performance if you are interested in this topic.