

The Clean & Jerk

In our previous post we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using Olympic weightlifting movements for developing strength in judo


Investigating in-performance transitions between mental states in high-level judoka

Kellermann B, Collins D, MacPherson A, Bertollo M. Investigating in-performance transitions between mental states in high-level judoka using video-based stimulated


Mental states in high-level judo

Kellermann B, Collins D, MacPherson A, Bertollo M. Exploring characteristics of and transitions between mental states within the Multi-Action Plan


Weight loss in junior female judo athletes

Yoshida E, Hayashida H, Sakurai T, Kawasaki K. Evidence of weight loss in junior female judo athletes affects their development.


Effects of lower-limb intermittent pneumatic compression on sports recovery

Many times we can see some judo elite athletes using pneumatic compression therapy for recovery after judo training, but what


Lower body Wingate anaerobic test in combat sports athletes

Tortu E, Ouergui I, Ulupinar S, Özbay S, Gençoğlu C, Ardigò LP. The contribution of energy systems during 30-second lower