
Educational Needs for Coaching Judo in Older Adults

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Coaches’ preparedness for structuring and monitoring safe and effective sports programs for older individuals is a crucial component.

The EDJCO research team that we’re part of engaged in a thorough discussion and identified five main themes, as shown in the picture, to gather expert opinions and knowledge.

Overall, 88 experts provided their answers. The initial list of 262 statements was synthesized, validated, analyzed, and organized into a final list of 55 statements and six macro-areas and sub-groups:

  • Aging Process
  • Safety and First Aid
  • Physiology and Fitness
  • Psychology and Mental Health
  • Organization and Environment
  • Teaching and Training

The present international eminence-based study investigated the experts’ perspectives regarding the necessity of tailored education for judo coaches of older practitioners, harmonizing diverse intercultural perspectives.

Palumbo, F.; Ciaccioni, S.; Guidotti, F.; Forte, R.; Galea, E.; Sacripanti, A.; Lampe, N.; Lampe, Š.; Jelušić, T.; Bradić, S.; et al. Educational Needs for Coaching Judo in Older Adults: The EdJCO Focus Groups. Sports 2023, 11, 143.


Judo coaches are urged to develop specific competencies and skills for addressing the special needs of older practitioners. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the experts’ opinions on judo training in late adulthood to develop sound educational programs for coaches of older judo practitioners. Overall, eighty-eight experts from an international consortium of judo and educational partners participated in national focus groups. During the focus groups, experts discussed five themes and generated statements pertinent to educate coaches to support older judo practitioners (e.g., benefits; necessary knowledge; risks; training groups definition; tools; and tests for monitoring training plans). The initial list of 262 statements was synthesized, validated, analyzed, and organized into a final list of 55 statements and six macro-areas: aging process (n = 10); safety and first aid (n = 6); physiology and fitness (n = 12); psychology and mental health (n = 11); organization and environment (n = 5); adapted judo teaching and training (n = 11). The present international eminence-based study, harmonizing diverse intercultural perspectives, highlighted the specific needs of older judo practitioners. The results of this study will contribute to the structure of a sound educational program for coaches of older judo practitioners to enhance the quality of older adults’ sports experiences by linking safety, enjoyment, social interactions, and learning principles.

Keywords: judo; martial arts; older individuals; coaches; successful aging; focus groups

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