
Dynamic training load management in international judo training camp

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Agostinho, M. Dynamic training load management in international judo training. SPSR – 2023. September, 197

In judo, participation in training camps gathering athletes from different countries is a common practice. Many of these international trainings are held after international com- petitions, allowing athletes who have already traveled to par- ticipate in these competitive events to extend the period of stay in the place and take advantage of practicing with poten- tial opponents from different nations.

One of the most traditional international training camps is the one held after the Tokyo Grand Slam (Japan). In addi- tion to bringing together a large part of the participants of this Grand Slam, as it is a high-level training carried out at the end of the season (early December), several nations include in their delegations athletes who travel specifically to participate in the training camp, in order to optimize their preparations for the following season. Thus, in addition to the most ex- perienced athletes in the Senior class (over 21 years of age), the Tokyo International Training Camp also receives several Junior athletes (18 to 20 years of age and may include athletes over 15 years of age) who seek to develop their potential for the future transition to Senior events.

However, especially for less experienced athletes, monitoring and controlling the training load can be an important aspect of optimizing participation and preventing negative adaptations or injuries.

Read the full article HERE.

More articles about training load HERE.

Have a look to Marcus Agostinho’s blog, the author of this article.

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